8 Great Tips: The Guest Manager

Online RSVP
July 18, 2024

Our Guest Manager is one of our favorite tools to collaborate with clients on! Why? You can upload guest lists, allow guests to RSVP online, create seating charts and tracking meal options. Here are 8 great tips to make sure you get the most out of this powerful tool! 


Tip 1 - The Guest List Template

The spreadsheet format for uploading is very particular (i.e. you must include every column, exactly as listed, whether there is anything in it or not. If there is an extra column or a missing column, it won't work).

Tip 2 - Duplicates

The system does not recognize or filter out duplicates, so it's best to just upload your master list once and manually add any additional RSVPs after.

Tip 3 - RSVP Numbers

The RSVP number is automatically assigned when a party is created and was intended to be used just as the RSVP number (written on the back of the RSVP cards to track responses for those who don't write their names on the front) - not the total parties invited. When a new list is uploaded, the RSVP number will start with 100 and future uploads advance by 100.  If you don't like seeing the RSVP number, you can hide that column.

Tip 4 - Adding Guests to Other Events

It's easy to add guests to other events that you may be tracking RSVPs for once they are uploaded into the Guest Manager! (Events such as the rehearsal dinner or post-wedding brunch.) Just click into the event (you'll see a drop down menu towards the top of your guest manager), select the "Add Guest" button to the top left and simply click to add each guest.

Tip 5 - Seating Charts

Once you get all the guests into the Guest Manager, you can click to the Seating tool and drag/drop names (of people who have RSVP'd "yes") to seat them. Anyone who has been seated will then show with a check mark next to their name and those with a question mark haven't RSVP'd yet. If you'd prefer, you can also manually type in names and click the correct name that the system auto-suggests.

Tip 6 - Head Counts at a Glance

We provide a count of the parties confirmed, declined, awaiting response, and waitlisted in the "Event Info & Option" section of each guest list. You can add meal choices and see invitation ordering guidance here too.

Tip 7 - Working with Couples

We suggest downloading the templates in advance and sharing them with your client as soon as you start working with them so they can start building their guest list in the right format. Or, you can encourage them to build their guest list right in Aisle Planner's online guest manager!

Tip 8 - Tracking Accommodations or Transportation

You can actually track this information in the Seating tool! Click on Reception in the top center of the Seating tool, add a new seating list and have it pull from the Reception guest list. Change the name to "Accommodations" or "Transportation" and name one table for each accommodation/shuttle option. Then you can drag/drop everyone from the entire reception list into their accommodations/shuttles, and when you print it out, the table column will be populated with everyone's accommodations or shuttles.

Have more questions about our Guest Manager? You can access our FAQs anytime here or email us at customercare@aisleplanner.com

About the Author

Aisle Planner Editorial Team
Aisle Planner Editorial Team
The Aisle Planner Editorial Team is a collective of creative writers, editors, and former event pros who obsess over weddings and special events—and the businesses behind them! Drawn to refined details, design, and creativity, our team provides intelligent and straightforward articles with insights, practical tips, and expert guidance in putting Aisle Planner's "Power of One" behind your business.