Introducing Pro-User Permissions

Introducing Pro-User Permissions
July 15, 2018
As a wedding business owner, the people you work with can change overnight. From bringing on interns to hiring associates (or even business partners), managing a team is a very different experience from working as a planning party of one. And, as we have seen the businesses in our community flourish, we thought it important to "grow up" our tools to match the more mature needs of our community. So today, we are excited to introduce you to the not-so-sexy-but-oh-so-functional Pro-User Permissions! Read on to learn how you can use them with your own growing team.


Levels of Access You Can Grant

NOTE: Even with these permissions updates, everyone in your organization has the same level of access to everything as they are used to. If you want to start adding layers of access to tools and projects within your organization, you need to make those updates.

When you are ready to set permissions on any of the members of your organization, click on Settings in the main menu of you Project Dashboard. Next, click on Users that you see in the gold sub-menu, and then on the small triangle that you see to the right of the word “Administrator” that appears under a user’s name. When you do that, a modal will appear – this is where you will set permissions for that particular person.

Aisle Planner New Feature Pro-User Permissions

You can choose from one of four default permission types - Administrator, Super User, Standard User, and Bookkeeper – or you can choose to manage permissions on a more granular level (which we’ll outline in a bit). Even if you select one of the default permission types, you can always further fine tune access and permission settings.

What Admins Have Access To Admin users have access to the only the projects that you provide them access to, as well as full access to everything in the pro tool bar.

NOTE: The person who created the account is the “Master Admin” and cannot have their permissions changed. This person is also the only one with access to the “Subscriptions & Billings” tab.

What Super Users Have Access To Super users have access to the projects that you provide them access to, as well as  to the following by default:

  • Full Access to the Lead Manager as well as the ability to view, create, and manage Documents, Quotes and Invoices for all Leads
  • Full Access to the Client tab within the projects they have access to as well as the ability to view, create, and manage Documents, Quotes and Invoices for the Client
  • Full Access to their master calendar (which will only show calendar events for projects that they have access to)
  • Full Access to your organization’s master Contact Library
  • Full Access to manage your organization’s Templates
  • Full access to the Publishing Platform to submit real weddings and styled shoots for publication in the Aisle Planner Inspiration Galleries
  • Full access to manage your organization’s listing in the Aisle Planner Marketplace

*Remember, you can always further fine tune access and permission settings.

What Standard Users Have Access To Standard users have access to the projects that you provide them access to, as well as to the following by default:

  • Access to only the Lead Records that they have been assigned to as well as the ability to view, create, and manage Documents, Quotes, and Invoices for the leads they are assigned
  • Access to the Client tab within the projects they have access to as well as the ability to view, create, and manage Documents, Quotes, and Invoices for the client
  • Full access to their Master Calendar (which will only show calendar events for projects that they have access to)
  • Full Access to your organization’s master Contact library

What Bookkeepers Have Access To Bookkeepers have read-only access to the Invoice tab as well as the ability to access and download your transaction records and monthly/yearly transaction reports.

Aisle Planner New Feature Pro-User Permissions

What You Can Set Permissions On

Even if you select one of the default permission settings for a user, you can continue refining their access based on what you feel is appropriate. To do that, simply find the tool you want to change the level of access on and click on the small triangle that is next to the default level of access (Full Access or No Access). When you do that, a small window with dropdown options will appear and you can click on the option you would like to select. Click out of the modal when you are finished making changes and they will be saved.

Here is what you can set different levels on access on and we will go through what each does below.

  • Settings: Organization
  • Settings: Branding
  • Settings: Leads
  • Settings: Templates
  • Marketplace Listing
  • Lead Management
  • Client Management
  • Calendar
  • Contacts/Vendors
  • Publishing

Settings You Can Consider Restricting to Just Admins

Settings: Organization - Give “Full Access” to anyone you want to be able to manage the organizations settings, banking / payments, and the users for the organizations including inviting users and assigning permissions.

Settings: Branding - Give “Full Access” to anyone you want to be able to manage the Branding for the organization.

Settings: Lead -  Give “Full Access” to anyone you want to be able to manage the lead settings for your organization, which includes Lead Contact Forms, Notifications, Lead Auto-Responders, etc.

Settings: Templates – Give “Full Access” to anyone you want to be able to add, delete or edit your Aisle Planner Templates.

Marketplace Listing – Give “Full Access” to anyone you want to be able to make edits to your Aisle Planner Listing.

All Other Settings

Lead Management – Your setting options are Full Access, Assignments Only, and No Access. If a user is given “Full Access” permissions, they can see and manage all of the leads in the organization regardless of whether or not they have been assigned to it. This level of access includes full access to all Documents, Quotes, and Invoices for all leads. A user that has “Assignments Only” permissions can only see and manage leads that they have been assigned to by an Admin. This level of access removes access to the Documents, Quotes, and Invoices tabs (that you see in the main menu of your Project Dashboard) but allows someone to see and manage the Documents, Quotes, and Invoices for the leads they are assigned. Someone that has “No Access” does not see the Leads tab in their main menu nor do they see the Documents, Quotes or Invoices tabs in the main menu.

Client Management - choices are Full Access and Limited Access. If a user is given 'Full Access' permissions, they can see and manage all data within the client including the ability to view, create, and manage Documents, Quotes and Invoices associated to the Client. They can also see Documents, Quotes and Invoices that were added to the Client as a Lead if they have the permissions in Lead Management to do so. A user that has 'Limited Access' permissions can only see and manage the contact and event information and Activity Log in the Client but has no access to Documents, Quotes and Invoices inside the Client tab.

Calendar - choices are Full Access and No Access. All users have access to their own Calendar for the projects they are assigned. Only Bookkeepers do not have access to a Calendar and hence would have 'No Access'.

Contacts - choices are Full Access and No Access. All users have access to the Organization's Contacts. Only Bookkeepers do not have access to the Contacts and hence would have 'No Access'.

Publishing – Give “Full Access” to anyone you want to be able to submit real weddings and styled shoots to Aisle Planner through the Publishing Platform. Set the permission as “No Access” when you do not want an individual to be able to do that.

As always, if you have any questions about our new features, don’t hesitate to get in touch! You can check out our FAQs on the support page here or reach us at

About the Author

Aisle Planner Editorial Team
Aisle Planner Editorial Team
The Aisle Planner Editorial Team is a collective of creative writers, editors, and former event pros who obsess over weddings and special events—and the businesses behind them! Drawn to refined details, design, and creativity, our team provides intelligent and straightforward articles with insights, practical tips, and expert guidance in putting Aisle Planner's "Power of One" behind your business.
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