How to Make Your Proposal Stand Out

Proposal with e-sign
February 16, 2024

Whether you are a Wedding Pro eagerly awaiting engagement and booking seasons, season or a Corporate Planner looking to snag that large company you've been building a relationship with, your proposal can set your business apart from other pros vying for the same business! As you prepare to dish out proposals like it’s your job (actually, it is) we wanted to talk about ways to help you build proposals that will have your potential clients asking “where can I sign?” Read on for 5 easy-to-implement tips that will make your proposals stand out!


Keep Your Proposal Clean And Simple

In a world of information overload, it can be hard to keep people’s attention. So, rule number one is to keep your proposals clean and simple. Experience tells us that inquiring clients are likely shopping around and, therefore, it is important that they can get the information they need to make a decision without having to read a 15-page document.

Pro Tip: To clean up your word count, be mindful to include only the information you need to and not much else. To clean up your proposal visually, play with your formatting to draw your potential client’s eye to what is important. 

Have A Strong Voice

It’s important that the voice you use in your proposal be strong and confident. Having a strong brand voice will help keep your potential clients engaged in the task of reading through your proposal as well as give them additional insight into your personality. 

Highlight The Benefits Of Working With You

Remember, your proposal is a sales document that will get compared to others! So, it must clearly communicate how the experience of working with you is different from working with someone else. How do you do that? Make it clear what your unique position is. Whether it’s your expertise, experience, services or aesthetic, be confident about what makes you the best pro for the job and include it in your proposal!

Side bar: Notice that we didn’t mention pricing? Discounting your services just to get booked over someone else isn’t good for your bottom line or the industry as a whole. Be confident that when your ideal clients find you, that you won’t need to negotiate your prices.

Show Your Face 

When it comes to the psychology of sales, you should know that people buy from people. So, it becomes important to humanize yourself (or your organization) in order to create a personal connection with potential clients. You can do this by including a picture of yourself or your team casually working (insert all the cheesy-but-not-fake smiles here), short quotes about what motivates you in your work as a wedding professional, or even an electronic capture of your actual signature.

Make Your Proposal Easy To Accept

Nothing drives potential clients away like complicated processes or long turnaround times. And, to help ensure that you are being as responsive as possible, you have access to online proposals in our suite of business management tools! You can streamline your proposal process by building out templates for your most requested services and using our proposal feature to easily send them off for review! Plus, since you can include electronic signatures on our proposals, you make it easy for potential clients to accept your quote and follow up with an enthusiastic “Send me your contract!”  

We know there are a lot of facets to building an events business and brand that stands out from the crowd. And, we hope that you’ll take these tips to make your proposal stand out and set yourself up for a successful new year!


About the Author

Aisle Planner Editorial Team
Aisle Planner Editorial Team
The Aisle Planner Editorial Team is a collective of creative writers, editors, and former event pros who obsess over weddings and special events—and the businesses behind them! Drawn to refined details, design, and creativity, our team provides intelligent and straightforward articles with insights, practical tips, and expert guidance in putting Aisle Planner's "Power of One" behind your business.