Get to Know the Aisle Planner Team

Group pic - Beach
April 06, 2022

Meet our team—introducing the faces behind Aisle Planner! We are with you every step of the way and we love our incredible community of talented wedding and event pros. Learn more about us, what we do, and how each member of our team contributes to the Aisle Planner vision.


Christina Farrow headshot, wearing black dress
Photo courtesy of Camila Margotta

What's your favorite part of your position? 

I absolutely love my job, so it's hard to pick just one! I love getting to work with such a fun and inspiring dream team here at APHQ. I love the challenge of always evolving and improving our platform. And I absolutely love seeing how Aisle Planner impacts businesses across the globe for the better.

What's your favorite AP memory?

The very first time someone told me that Aisle Planner was a game-changer for them and their business.

Rob Farrow headshot, wearing a blue flannel shirt
Photo courtesy of Camila Margotta

What's your favorite part of your position?

Getting to work with our team, learn from our community, and create amazing products for our customers.

What's your favorite AP memory?

The day we launched and got our first customer. It was surreal that after 2 years of working on getting to that point, we released it into the wild, and within 30 minutes we had a customer, then 2, then 3—it was awesome.

Sara updated 6/24
Photo courtesy of Nikki Hildebrand

What's your favorite part of your position?

I love that I get to introduce Event Professionals to our platform, knowing the value it will bring to both them and their clients. Talking to a pro after they've started working through Aisle Planner and hearing how it elevated their business while simplifying their life is truly so rewarding.

What's your favorite AP memory?

My favorite AP memory happened prior to joining the AP team. As industry friends, Rob and I would joke that we were both road warriors and in one single week ran into each other at 3 different events in 3 different cities on the west coast spanning over 600 miles.

Courtney in cream shirt
Photo courtesy of Nikki Hildebrand


What's your favorite part of your position?

Talking to event pros every day! I have been in their shoes, and I am so excited to see how we can help them take their business to the next level. I'm so impressed by all of the amazing entrepreneurship, camaraderie, and new ventures that I hear about from our pros, keeping me excited to be a part of this industry. 

What's your favorite AP memory?

Meeting and getting to know the team in San Diego during our 2024 planning retreat. Working remotely has its benefits, but it's so nice to be able to collaborate and spend some quality time together in person when we can. The Aisle Planner team is made up of so many passionate, fun, and caring people, and I feel so lucky to be a part of this team! 


Clayton in a gray suit
Photo courtesy of Camila Margotta

What's your favorite part of your position?

The autonomy and the challenge to diagnose and find a solution for a technical problem.

What's your favorite AP memory? 

My co-workers always crack me up!

Josh wearing a blue suit
Photo courtesy of Camila Margotta

What's your favorite part of your position?

I love working with a fun and vibrant team. Everyone has such varied and unique skills; I find myself learning so much through the collective experience of working at Aisle Planner.

What's your favorite AP memory?

By far, the Aisle Launch Party. It was an amazing opportunity to connect with my co-workers on top of being an exceptional party.

Kimberly Wallace headshot and bio
Photo courtesy of Camila Margotta

What's your favorite part of your position?

Giving our Pros those A-HA moments about tools or features they may not have been aware of.

What's your favorite AP memory?

So far, Wedding MBA and all the fun we had!

Avy wearing cream
Photo courtesy of Camila Margotta

What's your favorite part of your position?

Positive praise from customers and sharing my knowledge with them!

What's your favorite AP memory?

WMBA and meeting many of our customers!

Jonnaysa wearing a black dress
Photo courtesy of Camila Margotta

What's your favorite part of your position? 

My favorite part of this job is being able to directly connect and communicate with the wedding and event professionals!

What's your favorite AP memory?

Honestly, my favorite AP memory is when it first came out 9 years ago and was in Beta! I was so excited as a small business owner to be able to dive into this platform and really feel like someone understood what my business was needing to excel.

Samantha Wolfe

What's your favorite part of your position? 

My favorite part of this job is being able to work with fellow industry professionals to help them get to know Aisle Planner and their feedback of how its helped them elevate their business!

What's your favorite AP memory?

As a former AP Bride and then AP user as a wedding planner, its fun to now be on the in-house team supporting clients and event pros!

Jesus headshot


What's your favorite part of your position?

I like the technical challenges and overcoming them.

What's your favorite AP memory?

I fondly remember the picnics we used to have on the beach as a team. 

Javier headshot in gray shirt

What's your favorite part of your position?

Finishing a complex feature that will help a lot of users to do their jobs easier!

What's your favorite AP memory?

The small parties we used to do on the beach at the end of the year when we were first starting out.

Kati Driscoll

What's your favorite part of your position?

The reward of implementing new processes and procedures and seeing them improve the overall workflow.

What's your favorite AP memory?

Working on my first solo release!

Team Celebrating
Photo courtesy of Nikki Hildebrand

Hero photo courtesy of Nikki Hildebrand


About the Author

Aisle Planner Editorial Team
Aisle Planner Editorial Team
The Aisle Planner Editorial Team is a collective of creative writers, editors, and former event pros who obsess over weddings and special events—and the businesses behind them! Drawn to refined details, design, and creativity, our team provides intelligent and straightforward articles with insights, practical tips, and expert guidance in putting Aisle Planner's "Power of One" behind your business.